Are led lights safe for babies? (+10 Lighting Tips for Baby Nursery )

Are you expecting a baby? Or have you recently welcomed a newborn baby into your family? Regardless of which, you may be eager to learn about whether or not LED lights are safe for babies.  

Are led lights safe for babies?

LED lights are safe for babies. Though some people hold the opinion that it is better to avoid exposing babies to light. Light is a stimulus and once light enters an eye, it tends to stimulate the optic nerve and retina. Baby eyes are not fully developed, leaving them more sensitive to light. In a dark room, a baby’s eyes will secrete a special enzyme that helps adapt their eyes to darkness. 

Exposing babies to light decreases the secretion of enzymes that help their eyes adapt to darkness. Furthermore, the light will make a baby’s eyes sensitive to stimulation. 

An expert from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists opined that light will not harm a baby, however, any use of light around babies should be done after a professional’s advice.

You may be thinking to yourself, what makes LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) so useful and safe. LEDs are energy and thermally efficient. 

They are known to produce very little heat and consume a lot less electricity when compared to traditional lights. 

LED technology has seen significant improvement in the last decade in terms of quality and efficiency. They can also last for decades longer than traditional light bulbs.

LEDs used in a variety of settings are considered safe by the FDA. Furthermore, the LEDs that are being used for baby cribs have been tested and shown to meet all of the safety guidelines set up by the FCC. 

Can LEDs damage baby eyes?

LEDs won’t hurt babies’ eyes. A common consensus within the scientific community is that LEDs do not directly harm the human eye. However, the retina is very sensitive to light and we can damage it with intense and long exposure. Blue light emitted by some LED products can be intense, which can damage your baby’s eyes. This is why you must do some research before using any LED product. 

Is light bad for newborn eyes?

Light is safe for newborn eyes. What you need to understand is that mothers can easily get tired of looking after the child in a room with light too bright. 

It is important to make the child comfortable. In an incubator, a newborn will benefit more from dim light, this also applies to a child in the nursery. You should play with the child in dim light.

This can be done by covering the light source either by hand or with the use of a blanket. 

The light in the nursery may be dim if the mother is in the room with the child. However, you should not use the flash on the camera in the nursery because it is too bright for the baby. You should not put the child in direct sunlight.

LED light for sleeping: is it necessary?

Pediatricians recommend that children sleep with the light turned off in their room. However, this is not to say that a neighbor’s porch light cannot be left on, or that they cannot have a little light in their room.

Keep in mind that the idea is to simulate natural light cycles, by maintaining a soft light during the day hours and turning off the light at night. Doing this will ensure that a baby’s eyes adapt to the right amount of light as they develop. 

In the darkness, our bodies secrete melatonin, a hormone responsible for sleep regulation. Leaving the light on at night will reduce the secretion of the hormone and it could cause sleep problems, as well as vision problems.

Lighting in the baby’s room

In a baby’s room, natural light and good ventilation are amongst the top factors to keep in mind. You can use curtains and shutters to reduce the intensity of light such that it is not bothersome or harmful to your baby.

If the light source is an LED light or any other artificial type of lighting, I recommend using dimmable LEDs, this will create tenuous lighting environments that convey tranquillity. In addition, the recommended light for babies is warm lights. 

To be on the safe side, I recommend the use of LED lights for babies. The reason is when they start to take their first steps, you do not want them tripping over loose cables or floor lamps. You can also purchase devices used to cover plugs and prevent electric shocks. 

Early stimulation with light

Light is an integral part of a child’s development. They perceive the changes in light with great sensitivity. These changes become a part of their routine as they grow older. They come to understand and get used to those changes

Therefore, it makes perfect sense to stimulate them with light to help wake up their senses and create a sense of connection with the world around them. The recommended age for light stimulation is between 3 and 6 months. This can be introduced with something as simple as turning off and on the light as if it were a game.

After 6 months, children begin their journey of discovery in a bid to understand the world around them, and their curiosity explodes so they can be given toys with lights. In addition, you can also introduce them to games involving shadow puppets or with a lamp in a dark room.

When they reach 10 months old, they are more adapted to simple devices with buttons so you can introduce slightly more complex toys. 

Is LED light harmful for kids?

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology

prolonged or overexposure of the retina and lens to blue peaks from LEDs can increase the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Other studies also show that high exposure to light emitted by LEDs even for short periods can also cause irreversible retinal changes.

What color of light promotes the best sleep for babies and children ?

Blue and white lights tend to negatively impact children and babies before bedtime. This is why warmer colors are often recommended for night lights.

Sleep therapists recommend red night lights because it promotes restful sleep. The reason is that red light doesn’t emit any blue wavelengths, which is known to reduce melatonin production. Amber lights are also recommended because they do not interfere with an infant’s sleep. 

Is TV light bad for newborns?

Strong evidence suggests that screen viewing before age 18 can have long-lasting negative effects on children’s development, in areas such as reading skills, short-term memory, and language development. It also contributes to problems with sleep and attention.

Should I leave a light on for my baby?

Although not necessary, there can be benefits and drawbacks to having your babies sleep with lights on. If you’re considering lighting up your baby’s room with LEDs or any other type of night lights or your room if you’re sharing a bedroom, that’s perfectly OK. Keep in mind that amber or red night lights are the recommended lights for babies. 

Can babies look at Christmas lights?

If you’re around babies a lot, you’ll immediately notice how much they love to stare at things; it’s one of their favorite activities. They are fascinated by things such as Ceiling fans, mobiles, cats sitting in windows, and this time of year? The Christmas tree. But that may leave you confused about whether or not these lights are safe for babies, or if they’re damaging their precious peepers.

In the first few months, a baby’s eyes are rapidly developing, which makes sense to think that the bright light emitted from the tree may be of some concern, especially when they’re transfixed for extended periods. 

Ophthalmologist Rishi Singh, MD believes that the blue light of LED lights — the most popular Christmas tree lights is a health hazard, especially when an intense light source causes damage to the retina. 

The retina is responsible for converting light to impulses that become the images we see. But how does this affect babies whose eyes are just beginning to see and recognize the light?

According to Pediatrician Dr. Lisa Lewis, even though their eyes are developing, the newer LED lights can be harmful to the retina. Therefore, parents are advised to distract babies from Christmas lights after prolonged staring. This would help their eyes rest from the effect of the light. 

Speaking of distractions, it may be time to turn on that ceiling fan or find a cute cat sitting in the window with its tail entertaining enough to attract your baby, that always worked for my kids. These are all entertaining to babies and none of them emits blue light unless your pets are aliens or robots, in which case you have bigger fish to fry.

In the first six months, when babies look at Christmas lights, they may seem interested, but not a lot of excitement. The little ones are majorly excited about their parents’ faces, bottles, or boobs. There isn’t very much that thrills them at this point. 

In addition, Lewis notes that “after six months, babies tend to be more attracted to Christmas lights. At this time, if they seem to be having a great time around the lights, I wouldn’t worry about moving them away from the activity. 

Regardless, prolonged starring, accompanied by reduced eye muscle movement — such as a “trance-like” state we typically see with a younger or tired baby — Won’t hurt to redirect their eyes to another activity. Unless you’re thinking of putting them to sleep. 

Generally speaking, if your toddler is enjoying the lights through the car window or going on a sweet stroller walk, I wouldn’t worry about the lights, it’s fine for them since they’ll only be exposed for brief periods. 

Baby with Christmas light

10 Tips for Lighting a Nursery

Lighting plays an important role in any design, however, most parents seem puzzled about getting it right. Here are ten tips to make you light up your child’s nursery.  

Avoid Harsh Lighting

Let’s assume you’ve narrowed down your preferred colors, settled on a theme, and even picked out the perfect crib. Your baby’s nursery has become your perfect vision—or would be if only you could see it

Let’s think about things for a moment, a soft glow creates a warm and inviting feeling in any room. bu that’s not all, Soft lighting reduces the contrast between light and dark, which helps to keep over-stimulation in check, while allowing your baby’s undeveloped eyes a much-needed rest.

Halogens and exposed bulbs are terrible choices for lighting the nursery. These lights tend to create a feeling of anxiety and discomfort, not to mention how dangerous they can be should your toddler come poking around. Opt instead for fixtures offering shaded or diffused light. Go for LED bulbs, preferable to choose products labeled “soft white” or “daylight”, these bulbs will be easier on your baby’s eyes. 

Another tip: Putting the baby’s comfort first, you may find ceiling fixtures with bell-shaped shades to be attractive from a distance, however, they are less enjoyable when you’re lying directly under them!

Install a Dimmer

A dimmer switch can help simulate natural light circles. Regularly dimming lights as part of their bedtime routine creates a serene atmosphere that acts as a trigger to let your baby’s body know it’s time to get some rest. 

A dimmer will let you sneak in and out without disturbing their sleep in any way. It’s also perfect for late-night feedings and diaper changes, keeping them in their drowsy state while you clean them up. 

Create Light Layers

Soft lighting may create a calm and inviting atmosphere, but you need clear vision when changing diapers, and this is where layers of light come in handy. 

You can create layers of lighting by using several lamps and fixtures to brighten the room as needed. The aim is to not over-rely on a single source of light, you should aim for a minimum of three points of light, such as a ceiling fixture, changing table light, and perhaps a lamp. By layering the lighting conditions, you will always have light in the right places at any point in time. 

Consider a Ceiling Light/Fan Combo

Ceiling fans that have light fixtures offer a ton of benefits. 

Many babies are fascinated by motion, the fan can assist in energy management, cooling your baby in the summer, and till deliver arm air in the winter. 

Keep in mind that a fan with painted blades will stress your baby’s eyes when running at low speeds. 

Avoid Floor Lamps

Tall lamps can easily become a safety hazard, especially when your toddlers develop into crawlers. Avoid placing these lamps by their cribs or the changing table. 

A tall floor lamp will most likely be knocked down by a baby or toddler. To avoid accidents, keep your task lighting confined to solid table lamps with cords that can be kept safely out of the way.

Be Aware of Heat

Some light bulb products tend to get dangerously hot, so you need to think carefully about positioning such fixtures, they should be placed in locations where a curious infant or toddler can’t reach out and touch them. 

I recommend compact fluorescent (CFL) or LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs. These bulbs are energy-efficient and warm to the touch. When compared with incandescent light bulbs, they are your best options. 

Control Natural Light

It’s all well and good to get creative with artificial lighting, but nothing beats natural light unless it’s giving your baby a premature wake-up call. A cool and dark nursery promotes good sleep and helps your baby sleep longer. In addition, a cool atmosphere prevents overheating—a contributing factor associated with SIDS.

There are several options out there when it comes to window treatment for a nursery. These options are as diverse as the ones available for any room in the house, ranging from simple roll-down window shades to the most light-proof heavy drapes.

You should take childproofing measures for all window treatments in a nursery or children’s bedroom.

Make a Statement

Get in touch with your creative side and jazz up your child’s nursery. A dramatic ceiling fixture can make a big difference to your nursery. 

Fun, oversized pendants or even an elegant chandelier are all replacement options for your standard lamp. The nursery is a great place to establish a warm and playful theme with the use of a unique ceiling fixture or hanging light serving as the focal point.

Get Creative

Lights in a nursery can sever multiple purposes, as well, such as offering entertainment or simple visual interest. Put your imagination to work and set the ceiling ablaze with LED starlight, for example. 

Twinkling fairy lights can also be used to enhance your design, Whatever you choose to do, have fun and create something truly unique! 

Don’t Forget the Night Light

No matter how sweet and fun a nursery looks, it can still seem scary at night. Although your newborn may not be afraid of the dark, however, after a few late-night stumbles in the dark, your sleep-deprived toddler will be terrified! It won’t hurt to protect them as well as your toes with one or more creative nightlights for kids.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do red LED lights cause nightmares?

Red lights do not cause nightmares, however, they tend to impact our quality of sleep. According to Dr. Simon Moore, from the University of Surrey, red lights affect the levels of a hormone known as melatonin. 

Melatonin is responsible for putting us to sleep. A reduction means more alertness which is bad for us, especially at night when the body needs to rest. However, the small amount of melatonin produced by the retina is enough to cause a person to feel drowsy. 

A common belief is that a person who sleeps in a room with red bulbs is most likely to feel refreshed and energized the next day. 

Are LED lights toxic?

No, LED lights are not toxic as long as they are working as intended. But like with any other electronics, it’s important to dispose of them properly. Most LED lights contain toxic material which you should dispose of properly, but they are completely safe as long as they are not broken. You can refer to the company’s warnings and the local municipal laws for proper disposal.

LED lights are not toxic, so long as they are run under the right conditions. Just like any other electronic device, it’s important to dispose of them properly. LEDs contain toxic materials which require proper disposal. If in doubt about LED light disposal measures, please check with your local municipal laws for proper disposal guidelines.